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Identify one (1) of the most common health issues facing refugee people living in Australia.

Identify one (1) of the most common health issues facing refugee people living in Australia..

Identify one (1) of the most common health issues facing refugee people living in Australia.

Order Description
Assessment Coding
Assessment for this unit of competency is based on competency based grading. All assessment tasks, except Practical Observations and Clinical Placements are weighted and graded. Overall final grades applied to this unit of competency are:

Competency Not Achieved (CNA)
0-49% Competency achieved ? graded (CAG)
50-59% Competent with Credit (CC)
60-69% Competent with Distinction (CDI)
70-79% Competent with High Distinction (CHD)

Any re-assessment is conducted as soon as practicable after you have been informed of the requirement to be re-assessed and have been given the opportunity to be re-trained and assimilate the training. You are re-assessed only in the areas your assessor deems that you have not met the required standard. It is at the assessor/s discretion to re-assess the entire assessment should it be demonstrated an overall understanding of this unit has not been achieved.

Reasonable Adjustment for this unit College Based Workplace Based
Assistance of a learning support teacher for LLN issues Choose an item.
Choose an item.Modifications to physical environment, e.g. wheelchair access Choose an item.
Choose an item.Changes to course design, e.g. instead of written assessment task ? change to verbal questioning & assessor to write the answers Choose an item.
Choose an item.Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g. relocating classes to an accessible venue Choose an item.
Choose an item.
I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained and agree to undertake assessment. I am aware of Careers Australia?s appeals process, should the need arise. I also understand that I must be assessed as ?satisfactory? in all parts of the assessment to gain a competent result for this unit of competency. I declare that the work contained in this assessment is my own, except where acknowledgement of sources is made. I understand that a person found responsible for academic misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action (refer to student handbook).

Student Signature:?

Assessor use only

Assessor Comment/Feedback: ?

Assessor Name: ____________________ Assessor Signature: ________________

Date: _________________ Result: _________%

Resubmission: YES / NO Due Date: ________________

Office use only:
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Date: Skills Centre:

Assessment: Poster Presentation
Assessment Weight: 50%
Pass Rate: Candidate must obtain 50% (CC) or greater to pass.

Student instructions:
This is a group assignment ? student groups of 3 – 5 allocated by the educator, are to develop:
? Part A: Poster (as per the scenario)
? Part B: Presentation
o Each student must present information from one section of the poster. E.g.:
? The Australian Health Care system
? Cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
? Refugee Health in the Australian Population
? Approximate presentation time should be no more than twenty-five (25) minutes.

To complete the two parts you will need to demonstrate evidence of:
? Interviewing skills
? Questioning skills
? Active listening
? Working with others and using sensitivity with people
? Cultural, social and religious sensitivity
Koutoukidis, G, Stainton, K & Hughson, J 2013, Tabbner’s Nursing Care Theory and Practice, 6th edn, Elsevier Australia, NSW.
Willis, E, Reynolds, L & Keleher, H 2012, Understanding the Australian Health Care System, 2nd edn, Elsevier, NSW Australia
Web ?Based Sources:
Australian Government Department of Human Services, Migrants, refugees and visitors, viewed 9 June 2015, <>
Australian Government Department of Health, Medicare, viewed 9 June 2015
Australian Indigenous Health Info Net, Cardiovascular Health, viewed 9 June 2015,
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 2016, the Enrolled Nurse Standards for practice, viewed 13 May 2016 <>

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2007, Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia and Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia, viewed 9 June 2015 Primary Health Care Research and Information Service, viewed 9 June 2015,

Part A: POSTER ? Health Care in Australia (may be E-POSTER or A3 cardboard)

The poster will address specific items about the Australian Health Care system and will highlight Cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Refugee access to the Australian Health Care system.

Poster Instructions:
? Must be completed BEFORE the practical presentation.
? The A3 poster should be visually well constructed and effective in communicating information to the viewer OR the e-Poster should be informative and creative with graphics, web and video links.
? e-Posters will be displayed by using Power point slides: maximum ten (10) slides, not including slide for references
? Researched answers must be provided to your Educator before the presentation.
? All questions must be answered.
? Posters should only include main points relevant to each section.

You are Enrolled Nurses working in a General Practice Clinic that uses a bulk-billing method of payment. Many of your clients have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural background. A growing number of your client?s are new refugees from Africa and Afghanistan.

You have been asked by your practice manager to work together, to design two (2) posters or 2 PowerPoint E-Posters for the practice waiting room to inform clients and/or staff about different cultural health needs. After consultation/collaboration with the registered nurse you have identified key areas of information that need to be provided to each client group:

Poster: Health Care in Australia ?
The poster will address specific items about the Australian Health Care system and will highlight Cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Refugee access to the Australian Health Care system.

PART A: Poster – The Australian Health Care System
Highlighting Cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Refugee access to the Australian Health Care system.

1. The Australian Health Care System (18 marks)
1.1 Identify how the Australian Health Care System is funded. (2 marks)
1.2 Explain primary, secondary and tertiary health care. (1 mark each = 3 marks)
Primary Care ?
Secondary Care ?
Tertiary Care ?
1.3 Explain public and private health care. (3 marks each = 6 marks)

Public health care is:
Private health care is:

1.4 Identify one (1) example of publicly, privately and community funded health care services.
(1 mark each = 3 marks)
? Public
? Private
? Community
1.5 Identify the two (2) types of private health insurance and list two (2) health services that are covered by private health insurance. (1 mark each = 4 marks)

2. Cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (19 marks)
2.1 Cardiovascular disease involves the heart and circulatory system. It refers to all diseases and conditions of this system including; Coronary heart disease, Heart failure, Rheumatic heart disease and Peripheral vascular disease.
Identify the incidence of cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how it compares to the general population. (3 marks)

2.2 List one (1) way in which cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has impacted on the development of health policy. (2 marks)

2.3 Identify one (1) cause of cardiovascular disease. (1 mark)
2.4 Identify two (2) socio-cultural factors that put this cultural group of people at risk for developing cardiovascular disease and poor health outcomes in general.
(1 mark each = 2 marks)

2.5 Identify one (1) currently funded program and its strategy, which has been put in place to address cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
(1 mark for identifying the funded program, 2 marks for explaining the strategy = 3 marks)
2.6 Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of one (1) health promotion strategy, in the area of cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
(1 mark for identifying the health promotion strategy, 3 marks for the program?s evaluation = 4 marks
2.7 Identify two (2) strategies your clinic could implement to encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients to access primary health care.
(1 mark each = 2 marks)
2.8 Highlight two (2) areas of education that EN?s could address, that would assist in achieving better cardiovascular health for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups.
(1 mark each = 2 marks)

3. Refugee Health in the Australian Health Care System (8 marks)
3.1 Identify one (1) of the most common health issues facing refugee people living in Australia. (1 mark)

3.2 Identify one (1) issue that may have impacted on the health of these refugees outside of Australia. (1 mark)

3.3 Identify two (2) socio-cultural factors that limit these refugees from seeking adequate health care in Australia. (1 mark each = 2 marks)

3.4 Medicare provides access to medical and hospital services for all Australian residents and certain categories of visitors to Australia. Identify two (2) Medicare services that may be accessed by refugees. (2 marks each = 4 marks)

Presentation duration

This is a 25 minute presentation (this includes preparation and question time).

Remember the poster should be:

? Presented by all students with an allocated total time of 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions from the class.
? Informative and creative with graphics, and
? Visually well-constructed and effective in communicating information to the viewers.

The poster project & presentation will be assessed using the marking guide. This is an individual assessment.

Poster project and Presentation marking guide
Criteria Percentage
Overall Appearance & Layout of Material

? Relevant images, graphics & other visual elements
? Support ideas presented in the poster/slide show 15%
? Introduced themselves and topic
? The student was well prepared
? The presentation followed a clear and logical sequence
? Easy to read
? Visual appearance, creative and interesting
? Speaks clearly and audibly
? All questions were answered following the embedded criteria:
o Information presented was relevant and accurate.
o Evidence of research and preparation
o Comprehensive & addresses all the requirements

Marks have been allocated to each question (a total of 45 marks)
Sentence & Grammar
? Clearly conveys concepts
? Spelling grammar, punctuation and logical structure
Research, Reading & Referencing
? Evidence of research and variety of sources
? Appropriate referencing
Time management
? The student paced themselves appropriately.
Peer involvement
? The presentation was engaging and encouraged active involvement of the class
? The answers to questions helped the rest of the class to clearly understand the presentation
Total 100%

Marking guide Rubric for combined Poster_Presentation
Criteria Percentage Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Overall Appearance & Layout of Material

15% Poorly designed poster with illegible font size used; Content difficult to see and not well set out for the paper size used. Little evidence of creativity Reasonably designed poster with some evident gaps in colour selection, font size and paper layout. Developing creativity.
Generally well designed and easily read with appropriate font size legible from a distance.
Appropriate paper size, layout & use of colour. Some evidence of creativity. Well designed and easy to read, font size legible from distance; visually pleasing poster, good use of colour. Appropriate paper size and correct layout. Creative. Exceptionally well designed and easy to read, font size legible from distance; visually pleasing poster, good use of colour. Perfect paper size and correct layout. Very creative.

15% Did not demonstrate any preparation.
Disorganised. No logical sequence.

No introduction of group and topic.
It appeared that a few members had done most of the work Disorganised. Good group and topic introduction. Appeared disorganised at times. Equal participation of all members. Clear and logical sequence. Good group and topic introduction. Well prepared. Equal participation of all members. Clear and logical sequence. Creative introduction of group and topic. Well prepared. Equal participation of all members. Clear and logical sequence.

45% Presentation did not include relevant or accurate information. No evidence of research. Appeared unprepared. Presentation included basic information. Evidence of minimum or no research. Appeared unprepared. Presentation included basic information. Evidence of some research. Appeared unprepared. Good presentation of relevant and accurate information. Evidence of some research. Well prepared. Excellent presentation of relevant and accurate information. Strong evidence of extensive research and preparation.
Sentence & Grammar

5% Poor grammar with many spelling and punctuation errors. Grammatical errors including spelling and punctuation. Minor grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Research, Reading & Referencing

5% No evidence of research or reading. No referencing provided Some evidence of research. Inaccurate/incomplete referencing. Generally well researched. Sufficient referencing provided. Well researched and referenced. Thoroughly researched and referenced with evidence of extensive reading.
Time management

5% Group members did not pace themselves appropriately and had multiple delays. Some group members paced themselves but with multiple delays.
All group members paced themselves appropriately but with multiple delays. All group members paced themselves appropriately with minimum delays. All group members paced themselves appropriately and consistently ,without any delay
Peer involvement

5% Did not attempt to engage the class at all.

Efforts to engage the class was not successful.

Some parts of the presentation involved class participation.
The presentation was engaging and encouraged active involvement of the class most of the presentation. The presentation was engaging and encouraged active involvement of the class throughout the presentation.

5% Was not able to answer any of the questions from the class. Was not able to answer some of the questions from the class.
Answered questions from the class but was not able help the class understand the topic of the presentation. Answered questions from the class effectively.
The answers to questions helped the class to understand the topic of the presentation. Answered questions from the class effectively.
The answers to questions helped the rest of the class to clearly understand the presentation.




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Identify one (1) of the most common health issues facing refugee people living in Australia.


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