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Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level

Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level.

Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level

Background: Health literacy is the ability to understand and access basic health information and services in order to make informed health decisions.

Purpose of the Assignment: is to provide students with an opportunity to connect the concepts of health literacy and disease prevention and apply these concepts to nursing practice.

In this academic paper, students will:

1. Provide an introduction including a thesis statement and a purpose statement.

2. Define health literacy and support it with the academic literature.

3. Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level.

4. Demonstrate an ability to think critically about the health literacy project. What do we mean when we talk about thinking ?critically??

5. Explain how the health literacy project prevents disease.

6. Discuss how knowledge about health literacy will influence your present and future nursing practice.

7. Use as many references as necessary to ground your ideas in the academic literature.

8. Use your APA style manual. You will be graded on creativity, content, critical thinking, spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, citation and referencing style.

1. Provide an introduction including a thesis statement and a purpose statement.

Background: Health literacy is the ability to understand and access basic health information and services in order to make informed health decisions.

Purpose of the Assignment: is to provide students with an opportunity to connect the concepts of health literacy and disease prevention and apply these concepts to nursing practice.

2. Define health literacy and support it with the academic literature.

From an objective perspective, ?health literacy is the ability to perform basic reading and numerical tasks required to function in the health care environment.? Someone?s health literacy can be measured by seeing how well an individual is able to identify his/her health needs, and how well they are able to act upon them, or even recognize the need to act upon them.

?The term health literacy has been used in the health literature for at least 30 years (Ad Hoc Committee on Health Literacy, 1999).?

Subjectively, it is a concept that falls under Health Promotion.

?Health literacy is dependent on individual and systemic factors?

?Literacy is defined as the basic ability to read and speak English, whereas functional health literacy is the ability to read, understand, and act on health information.? This type of literacy is what helps build up an individuals health status. Diminished health literacy, which can reside in english-speaking patients and immigrants as well as simply people from different cultures, ultimately generates ?lack of knowledge about medical care and medical conditions, decreased comprehension of medical information, lack of understanding and use of preventive services, poorer self-reported health,?

?Researchers have long known of the link between literacy and health. Literacy and education are both considered key determinants of health, along with income, employment, working conditions and the social environment.? Within these key determinants we can further narrow it down to sociocultural and socio-economic determinants.

3. Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level.

One health literacy project which has been undertaken at the federal level is the Canadian Public Health Association?s, National Literacy and Health Program?s Mind Over Violence Everywhere (M.O.V.E.) project. ?The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is a national, independent, not-for-profit voluntary association representing public health in Canada with links to the international public health community.? The CPHA?s goal is to ?constitute a special national resource in Canada that advocates for the improvement and maintenance of personal and community health according to the public health principles of disease prevention, health promotion and protection, and healthy public policy.? This, along with ?The National Literacy and Health Program (NLHP) is a partnership of 27 national health associations working to raise awareness among Canadian health professionals about the links between literacy and health. The NLHP provides health professionals with resources designed to help them serve people with low literacy skills more effectively. ? ?The NLHP’s Plain Language Service supports improved health communication by offering plain language revisions, assessments and workshops to the public, not-for- profit and private sectors.?

Background info
In May 2000, the CPHA/NHLP held their first Canadian Conference regarding Literacy and Health. The conference managed to attract over 300 people, from doctors, teachers, seniors, youth workers, learners etc. The conference pinpointed the wide range of youth violences (physical/verbal/sexual assaults, neglecting, psychological abuses like threats and harassment), as a critical health literacy issue. Since Canadian research also had evidence of connections between youth violence and low health literacy, the conference was in a agreement to go on and act upon this issue at a federal level.

In June 2001, they worked to organize workshops across the country that firstly tried to understand how violence exists and influences the lives of youth. ?Workshops were held in Gander, Halifax, Moncton, Ottawa, Toronto, Saskatoon and Surrey. A broad representation of youth from Anglo-Saxon, Francophone, Afro-Canadian, Indo-Canadian and Native communities, as well as rural areas and urban centres, shared thoughts on how the issues of violence affected them, their home, their community and the world. In addition, youth participants talked about how mental health issues such as Attention Deficit Disorder, depression and schizophrenia affected their learning skills. They shared personal experiences of abuse, bullying, racism, homophobia and gang violence ?factors that often contributed to them leaving school.?

What the workshops did
The workshops were specially crafted to help fill in the gap of health illiteracy by using ?non-traditional? teaching methods like fun and hands-on ?activities, discussion, and peer support.?
The workshops were programmed to be ?flexible, youth-oriented activities that are affordable, available and sustainable.?
It was a workshop for ten days, and the activities were organized in a way that, if needed, the activities can be done at the youths? own schedule.

Goal and Objectives of the program
The Goal of the M.O.V.E. health literacy project was to of course ?provide learning materials on violence prevention for youth with low literacy.?.
The objectives of M.O.V.E was to ?increase awareness of violence and develop skills to prevent violence, increase literacy through non-traditional learning activities, encourage youth to participate actively and assist the facilitator in recording (journal responses) the workshop responses?

?M.O.V.E. is both a practical tool and a social action model. It starts with a discussion among youth about their personal issues of violence. The participants work their way through five modules of activities, carried out over two days each. The last module focusses on social action, involving community members in activities to help youth find ways to resolve issues of violence.?

4. Demonstrate an ability to think critically about the health literacy project. What do we mean when we talk about thinking ?critically?? (page 9)

5. Explain how the health literacy project prevents disease.

In order for us to extract how the health literacy project prevents disease. we must solely look at the general impact of violence itself, before going into the disease it may prevent or the health it may promote. Violence undoubtedly plays a role in physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual health. The hope and skills required for violence-free future is incomparable.
The M.O.V.E project is a dimmed down form of primary prevention for the individual, and his/her surroundings. The preventions and measures this project took, were to identify the different violence types:(physical/verbal/sexual assaults, neglecting, psychological abuses, threats and harassment, etc) along with location of occurrences. Then to recognize or get introduced to their own rights and responsibilities from the United States Convention on the Rights of the Child. Also taught how to resist peer pressure and take social action, along with pushing self-esteem (page 6-8)

This health literacy project helps prevent a sector of chronic diseases, called mental health. Victimized people often develop anxiety disorders, as well as various forms of depression, along with other emotional or psychological problems. Depending on severity or any trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can transpire as well. With sexual abuse/assaults, sexual disorders and sexually transmitted diseases, along with unwanted pregnancies may take place. Sometimes the result of the type of abuse and violence may lead to victim suicide.

This health literacy project helps prevent disease by helping people ( youth ) by therapeutically sharing their concerns and experiences regarding violence. Identifying a dangerous violent situation. Along with learning how to control stress, and take lead making the right decision (whether to step in or not) in stressful violent situations. Along with recognizing their own individual rights, then learning how to publicly speak and stand up for yourself. Learning how to resist peer pressure. And most importantly how to seek help during, before, and after a violent situation. (page 7)

6. Discuss how knowledge about health literacy will influence your present and future nursing practice.

With health literacy, it all comes down to effective communication for both the patient and the nurses. Nurses use their own literacy to help execute verbal therapy, and most importantly teach, and elaborate on the patients health. It is important for us nurses to recognize low health literacy, and the way the patient feels about it, and tries to interact with the nurse to bring about more concerns, questions, subjective data, etc.
?Nurses use words to teach, to inform and explain,
to support and comfort, and to advocate for their patients and families. For these reasons, nurses must be knowledgeable about the prevalence of low health literacy and its impact on patients and must be well informed about effective strategies for health care communication.? p.153


?ACADEMIC PAPER? Paper on Health Literacy and Disease Prevention CANADIAN – At the top page is the instructions. – Background: Health literacy is the ability to understand and access basic health information and services in order to make informed health decisions. Purpose of the Assignment: is to provide students with an opportunity to connect the concepts of health literacy and disease prevention and apply these concepts to nursing practice. – 1)Provide an introduction including a thesis statement and a purpose statement. 2) Define health literacy and support it with the academic literature. 3) Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level. 4) Demonstrate an ability to think critically about the health literacy project. What do we mean when we talk about thinking ?critically?? 5) Explain how the health literacy project prevents disease. 6) Discuss how knowledge about health literacy will influence your present and future nursing practice. 7) Use as many references as necessary to ground your ideas in the academic literature. 8) Use your APA style manual. You will be graded on creativity, content, critical thinking, spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, citation and referencing style. SO – i have chosen some references links -each quotation you see is something that I don’t know whether i should leave as quotation? or summarize? paraphrase? (so I need some help summarizing, paraphrasing, putting into own words AND drawing inferences from those quotations.) -Each idea under each outcome is a different color, along with its link attached, because i am having a hard time doing in text citations for those references and authors. I need some help with that as well. Also so the main pages of the essay are to be 3 pages, and then 2 pages include work-cited references, and title page. All non-quoted paragraphs/lines/words are my own. please do try to edit those as well. all links are scholarly if you can help me with the header and footer, that would be great as well.




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Identify and describe in detail 1 health literacy project undertaken at the local, provincial, or federal level


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