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English homework help

English homework help. Persuasive essay in which the writer encourages the reader to give in some way to a worthy cause. The writer must first select a licensed not-for-profit organization with a web presence before identifying a specific audience and appeal(s). Please note that giving comes in all shapes and sizes and not just financial […]

English homework help

English homework help.  The Speech is on “How to Manage Mental Health Issues” For this assignment you will have to  create a Power Point presentation file that is like a visual outline, with bullet points and maybe images. This is what you would show your audience and Word document containing the wording of the speech.  […]

English homework help

English homework help. You will write a poetry essay exploring the conflict and ambiguity in the four groups of poetry you read in this module. The poetry selections in this module reflect conflict and ambiguity concerning themes that may be interpreted as both positive and negative elements. Construct a well-written essay that analyzes the author’s purpose […]

English homework help

English homework help. ONLINE SHOPPING   ( WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE, THE LINK ABOVE ) Contributing to the article above. You need to provide more information adding your personal point of view about whether or not your chosen article is of sufficient quality and relevance. Also whether the understanding of how the article is organized and what […]

English homework help

English homework help. I need someone to answer 32 questions Here are the instructions: NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION, LANGUAGE & CONFLICT MANAGEMENT, Chapters 4, 5 & 8 Answer the following questions with detail, identifying WHY you believe your response best answers the question and HOW you can apply it to your daily life? In other words, when […]

English homework help

English homework help. Show me that you can Control the contents of a personal research paper with a clear and concise thesis statement. Integrate textual evidence from outside sources (in-text citations) to support that thesis. Requirements: 3-4 pages (750-1000 words), typed, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman, 1-inch margins 2-3 outside sources (one source needs to […]

English homework help

English homework help. Summarizing a Written Rhetorical Text Purpose of the assignment: To summarize an op-ed or argumentative article. Procedure: Choose a well-established news source. Select an op-ed piece or argumentative article from within the last eight weeks.  Important: Do not select a straight news article or one that appears mostly informative. (How do you tell […]

English homework help

English homework help. Instructions: Below are five musical examples with a series of questions. Choose four of the five examples, and after listening carefully to the musical examples answer the following questions. Only four of your answers will be graded so do not answer all five. Unless specified otherwise answer all questions in complete sentences. Submit your answers in the […]

English homework help

English homework help. What about who you are allowed you to connect with the text? Do you see anything about yourself in the characters or story? Do you see something that is totally the opposite from you? the book is the end of the eddy I will upload the books. BF5AC9D6-95A3-4C19-88C6-FF722ADF2E88.jpeg English homework help