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Briefly introduce family & basic elements of assessment. Include family form & membership?i.e., who is in the family you are discussing.

Briefly introduce family & basic elements of assessment. Include family form & membership?i.e., who is in the family you are discussing..

Briefly introduce family & basic elements of assessment. Include family form & membership?i.e., who is in the family you are discussing.

Paper details
5 pages APA format with level 1 headings- make sure to include all 5 of the requirements

1. Briefly introduce family & basic elements of assessment. Include family form & membership?i.e., who is in the family you are discussing.
Information to include:
The family is the Garcia family. They are a middle class family that lives in nice community. The Garcia family consists of a mother, father, and 3 children . Daughter age 20, Son age 13, and daughter age 12 . The oldest daughter (age 20) was from the mother in a previous marriage. The father and mother both work outside of the home. Both parents share decision making and caregiving of the children . Grandmother lives nearby to help when needed. The family is Catholic but does not attend church every Sunday. All family members are in good health.
This is a made up family, please add anything else to this family to support the paper.

2. One type of Family Structure discussion

3. One type of Family Function discussion

4. ONE nursing or non-nursing theory (Include explanation of theory components and application to this family)
The nursing theorist for this paper is: Murray Bowens- family systems theory ( make up anything about the family to support how this theory was applied to this family)

5. Conclusion




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Briefly introduce family & basic elements of assessment. Include family form & membership?i.e., who is in the family you are discussing.


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