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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. 5-7 pages, Reference page not included
Topic: Children who have experienced maltreatment will suffer from cognitive development, tied into anti-social behavior
Literature review – a summary of other people’s research. The focus of the literature review is to synthesize research on a topic while also shedding new light on that topic. When writing a literature review you should rely on original sources, those that report research findings for the first time. After selecting a topic and reviewing the literature, create a thesis statement for your paper. This statement may summarize, integrate, or reinterpret the data.
The completed literature review should contain the following sections: 3 1.

  1. Cover page
  2. Abstract: A brief summary of the project including the research question, hypotheses, and conclusions.
  3. Introduction: A summary containing the importance and history of the topic, related theories and findings, and your thesis statement.
  4. Body: Describes research that has been done on the topic. Evidence that both supports and refutes your claim and how you reconcile this difference.
  5. Discussion/conclusions: What are your final conclusions? What further research could be done to support your conclusions? What implications exist for your conclusions?
  6. References in APA style

Psychology homework help


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