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Programming Homework Help

CISS 110 Rutgers University Newark Java Debugging a Code


I’m stuck on a Java question and need an explanation.


save as and debug the errors. There are three possibilities.

You can get a burger with fries, a burger without fries, or nothing –

you can’t just get fries. Use compound blocks where necessary.


public class d31


public static void main(String[] args)


char userschoice;

double bill = 0.0;

System.out.print(“Do you want a burger? “);

System.out.print(“Enter y or n: “);

userschoice =;;

if(usersChoice = ‘y’)

bill += 2.59;

System.out.print(“Fries with that burger? “);

System.out.print(“Enter y or n: “);

userschoice =;;

if (userschoice = ‘y’)

bill += .89;

System.out.printf(“Bill is %.2fn”, bill);




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