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Drug Analysis Narrated Powerpoint Presentation

You will prepare a narrated powerpoint presentation about a drug or medication of your choice and upload it to Blackboard.  You must cite at least three sources.  Pick a drug or medication of interest to you (if you need help finding a drug, a list of sources and possible options is included, but you are not limited to those suggestions) and obtain the structure of the drug (links to a few sites that provide drug structure and function information are also listed below). Once you have chosen a drug, please post your choice on the discussion board on the Blackboard site so I don’t see duplicates.  In your presentation, you will discuss the structural and chemical properties of the drug, the disease/condition it is intended to treat, and how the drug functions.  You are limited to 10-15 minutes, so you need to spend time figuring out what is most important and how to present that concisely.  A general rule is to assume you will spend one minute per slide, so shoot for 10-15 slides and adjust from there.  I will upload instructions on how to add narration to your powerpoint slides, if you don’t know.
Your presentation should minimally include information on the following:

  • Chemistry of the drug
  • where and when the drug was first discovered and/or synthesized
  • the structure of the drug and identification of the functional group(s) present
  • a discussion of the functional groups present and how they affect the drug’s chemical properties (such as polarity, solubility, hydrogen bonding, etc.) and its function
  • any other chemical information you find interesting.


  • Biochemistry of the drug
  • basic biochemistry of the disease/condition the drug is intended to treat
  • how the drug functions to treat the disease/condition
  • details of the direct target (often a protein) of the drug (and/or the enzymes and/or pathways involved)
  • any other biochemical information you find interesting


Drug structure and function links:
Chemistry and structure of medicines:  a visual and interactive website showcasing the beautiful world of chemistry
Also provides structures and mechanism of action of drugs, among lots of other useful info
(same as above, different entry point)

Possible drug choices (you are not limited by the lists below):

General: cold/allergy/asthma, painkillers (over the counter or prescription), prevention of cardiovascular and coronary events (statins etc),  ADHD, Diabetes (Avandia…), heartburn/reflux (Prevacid…),  vitamins, stimulants, illicit drugs, supplements…
Antibiotics (introductory list below):
Kanamycin, Penicillins (penicillin, amoxicillin, methicillin), Cepahlosporins, methicillin, Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol, macrolide antibiotics, Beta-lactams, Azithromycin, Vancomycin
Neuramindase inhibitors, Tamiflu (Oseltamivir), Zanamivir (Relenza),  Laninamivir (Inavir), Peramivir
Too many to list; may include the following classes of drug:
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors, Protease Inhibitors, Entry Inhibitors, Integrase inhibitors, Multi-class combination drugs
Others:  Interferons (hepatitis), Acyclovir (herpes),
Cancer drugs
(kinase inhibitors, Avastin, Tarceva(erlotinib), Gleevec, tamoxifen, Herceptin, many others.  Most are cancer specific, so you can also search for drugs against a specific type of cancer.
High blood pressure medication: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Angiotensin II receptor blockers, Beta blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Renin inhibitors (ex:  Zestril, Cozaar, Levatol, diltiazem, Tekturna)


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