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Management homework help

Management homework help.

Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good (durable goods are goods that don’t wear out quickly or those that have a lifespan of more than three years – computers, cars, mobile phones, kitchen appliances, etc.)
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you review the steps that you took in making this purchasing decision.
Base your review on the following six steps in the consumer decision process:

  1. Problem recognition
  2. Information search
  3. Alternative evaluation
  4. Purchase
  5. Use
  6. Evaluation

Answer the following questions in your paper:

  • How many of these stages did you go through?
  • Which stage(s) in the purchasing process was/were most important to you?
  • If you skipped certain stages, what marketing or previous experience influenced you to skip this stage?
  • What could the selling organization have done more effectively from a marketing standpoint to help you move through these stages?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.

Management homework help


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