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Mr. Obeng left the office of his boss to go to his cubick, his mind was playing the incident which had happened just a while ago in his boss’s office. The scene that played in his mind recalled his dissatisfaction in the way he was treated by the boss who seemed to favour another employee, Mr. Ohei. Mr. Obeng was not happy with the way he was treated when he knew that he was not getting the same treatment given to his friend Mr. Osei who happened to join the office almost the same time with him three years ago. While they were performing equally well in their job, his friend, Mr. Osci, was given the opportunity to attend international short courses, three or four times during their three years working together at the office while none was offered to him. For the same amount of work output, Mr. Obeng believes that he had contributed more than Mr. Osel in the office. For the last three years Mr. Obeng was able to being in more customers to the company and was able to conclude more business agreements with the customers compared to Mr. Osei. Mr. Osei on the other hand, was not performing as well but he was able to be on good terms with the boss as he was a good golf player who takes every opportunity to have a round of golf with the boss whenever time permits it. He was also a member of a prestigious Golf Club with his membership subscription being subsidized by the company Mr. Obeng is an ambitious and very motivated employee having graduated from a premier University. He has a wife who has seen success in another company and was a rising star in her workplace. Mr. Obong used to compare the annount of salary he received to that of his wife for the time that they had each contributed and he felt that he has not been compensated well for the effort that he puts in. In his view, Mr. Obeng believes that a worker should be compensated for the effort that he puts in and his expectation is that the compensation and job spportunities should cominciate with the Performance and the Output that he lus produced He was not happy that he was not given the opportunity to attend a short course which he hud applied in order to improve his perfomance. Worst of all is the fact that his boss seems to tavour Me Osci in everything that he does. As part of his job requirements, M. Obeng was asked to meet soepe or his clients and to entertain them before they can conclude a business deal. Mr. Obeng does not belong to any of the Club where he can critertain his clients. Sometimes, he felt embarrassed that he had to entertain them in a congested ca. He had asked his boss to allow the company to pay for membership subscription of a Club where he can entertain his client in order to close a deal as was the case with Mr. Osei whose club membership subscription was subsidized by the company His application was tumed down many time by the company boss as they felt that there is no strony justification from Mr. Obong to entertain his clients in such fancy clubs despite the fact that Mr. Obeng believes that some of his cliente “big”umes in the industry Mr. Obeng wanted to move on with his job and feel that more could be done if he is given the opportunity to further his studies at the master’s degree level. He was very keen to take up further studies in a master’s in business administration program so that he will be able to improve his still in managing his job. He had also asked his boss during the meeting in his office to allow him some flexibility in his working hours so that he can attend the class which he will be financing himself on a part time basis. A negative response by his boss had further alienated him from the management. Mr. Obeng felt that he was not getting the right treatment as he was more than willing to improve himself at his own expense for the betterment of the company. He wants to pursue his post graduate studies as he felt that he would be more equipped to perform his job as a post graduate degree will help him understand the nitty-gritty of his job requirements. He has indeed a high need for achievement as mirrored by his willingness to pursue the post graduate degree even if he has to pay on his own to get it. There were also incidences at times when he was having an argument with Mr. Osei that a portfolio given to Mr. Osei by the boss was supposed to be under his control. He felt that he was not given a chance to prove himself and the job given to him is very mundane in nature and did not really provide him the opportunity to test his real ability. He wanted to excel in his job but with the limited resources and an uncooperative and biased boss at the helm, Mr. Obeng felt that he was not getting a fair deal. He was very demotivated and was contemplating on resigning from the organization as he felt that there was no equitable treatment given to him in the organization. He also felt that his contributions to the organization were not appreciated which accounted for his feeling of being demotivated in his job. However, he knew that the job market currently is not providing the incentives for him to leave his present occupation as the economy is facing an economic downtum.

1. Explain any three factors accounting for why Mr. Obeng feel demotivated in his peesent job?

2. Identify and explain the theory of motivation which applies in this case?

3. With your knowledge of the motivation theory in question 2 above and the factors (seeds) that motivate an employee, provide any three advise to Mi. Obeng boss 16 help in retaining and motivate Mr. Obeng in the company.
4 If the treatment that Mr. Oheng is enduring persists, what options can be exercise to overcome the problems that he is currently facing Provide any two.

5. Identify the procedural and distributive injustice in the case.

6. Drawing on your knowledge in organizational Istuvious and motivation, how would you address the issue of perccdural and distributive injustice in this case


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