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  1. In Healthcare System Development, the shift in the healthcare industry toward a local and regional orientation of care provision is relatively new.



2. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has consistently held, with backing from the courts, that an employer may prohibit its employees from discussing their wages in the workplace.

– True


3.Under the False Claims Act (FCA), in order to successfully make a claim, all of the following elements must be alleged in the complaint, except:


The person submitting the claim had actual knowledge of its falsity, or acted in reckless disregard of its falsity


The defendant submitted or caused another person to submit a claim for payment to the federal government


The claim was false or fraudulent and/or the defendant made or used a false or fraudulent record or statement to obtain payment of the false claim


The complaint is required to contain proof of specific intent to defraud by the defendant


All of the above must be alleged in the complaint in order to make a claim

4.The major health care advances of the second half of the 20th century were in the area of:


LBL imaging & sound technology


infertility management


vaccines, tranquilizers, and the birth control pill


joint replacement technology

5. Initially under US labor law, physicians and staff in medical professions were excluded from membership and representation by unions; today many doctors and nurses and other healthcare professionals are actively seeking eligibility to be included in labor organizations.



6.The explosion of science and technology in the 1970s resulted in which of the following?


Encouragement for physicians’ specialization


Lower costs of health care


Closures of medical schools


All of the above

7.Eligible employees may be entitled to take Family Medical Leave Act(FMLA) leave for all of the following reasons, except


A serious health condition of the employee


The birth and care of a newborn child


The placement with the employee of a foster child


To care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition


None of the above, i.e. all are qualifying reasons for leave under FMLA

8.Vertical integration provides a unity of control and direction that allows the system to focus all of the energies of its parts on the same goals and strategies.



9.The Balanced Budget Act passed by Congress in 1997 increased reimbursement for healthcare providers.



10. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is organized under four (4) broad headings that highlight the major implementation provisions. All of the following are included in the four broad heading categories of the Act, except


Expanding Medicare to cover children to age 26


Holding insurance companies accountable


Providing new consumer protections


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