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1. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution, many companies increased the specialization of jobs. True False

2. The goal of job enrichment is to increase efficiency. True False

3. A city decided to ask garbage truck drivers and other garbage workers to keep an eye on the city streets — report on possible crime and help keep citizens safe. People often ignore these employees and may commit crimes in front of them. Also, they might notice when someone might need help (e.g., elderly residents who do not take out their trash could need assistance). This example of job enrichment is aimed at increasing which job characteristic?

a) feedback b) task significance c) task identity d) autonomy

4. The goal of forming natural work units is to increase which two job characteristics?

a) skill variety b) autonomy c) task significance d) task identity

5. The goal of combining tasks is to increase which two job characteristics?

a) task significance b) autonomy c) skill variety d) task identity

6. The goal of establishing client relationships is to increase which four job characteristics?

a) autonomy b) feedback c) task significance d) task identity e) skill variety

7. The goal of giving more control over tasks is to increase which job characteristic?

a) feedback b) skill variety c) autonomy d) task identity e) task significance


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