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Select a product or service category for which you expect the consumers’ motivation, ability, and opportunity to process information to be high. Ask five consumers to describe in detail how they would go about making a decision for this product or service category. First ask them which brands they would consider (consideration set), and then ask them to describe the specific steps they would go through in making a decision. Which brand would they choose? After collecting this information, answer the following questions in report format.: (a) How do the descriptions provided by the consumers compare with the decision models discussed in Chapter 8? (b) How do these processes vary for different consumers? (c) Why did one brand tend to be chosen over another? (d) If these processes were representative of many consumers, how might this information be used to develop a marketing strategy? Submit in written report (paragraph) format via Canvas in pdf format. Include a copy of your questionnaire in your report. If presenting, please present in PPT format (from a


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