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History homework help

Face masks are a topic we are all familiar with as we try to stay safe during the current pandemic. But in this chapter you were exposed to masks of a different sort; that is, masks used as a part of religious ritual. Using chapter 2 in the textbook as a guide, find one (1) specific mask used by an indigenous group to share with the class. You should title your initial post with the name of the mask or the indigenous group associated with it, and do all of the following in your initial post:
– Provide an image of, or link to the mask.
– Explore the design and materials of the mask, noting any significance of these elements.
– Identify who in the group used the mask and in what ways.
– Discuss how the mask is an important part of the ritual practices of this group.
Be prepared to discuss the mask with others who respond in your thread. Also, be sure to visit the threads of others to engage them in conversation about the masks they are highlighting.
There are two ways to find a mask to highlight. The first is to identify an indigenous group you are interested in (see Chapter 2 of the textbook for the most common groups), and then research the types of masks they used in religious rituals. The second is to browse the masks that are currently in museums. Here are just a few examples (keep in mind not all of the masks illustrated at these sites are associated with indigenous groups, so be sure you are selecting one that is appropriate for this assignment):
The Metropolitan Museum
Smithsonian National Museum of African Art
Cleveland Museum of Art
Please note: You are required to do research in association with each of the discussion topics so that you can provide well-informed opinions and accurate information. For example, in this topic you would want to explore the mask and the culture that created it using multiple sources. Ensure that you provide original writing (do not copy the words of your sources) and that the citations are in proper MLA (Modern Language Association) citation format: MLA Format
Grading Parameters (30 points total): See: A Sample Discussion PostFrequently Asked Questions, and the Discussion Grading Rubric.

  • Initial Post (5 points) – Provide a new threaded post addressing all questions posed in at least 200 words by the posted deadline: Time Schedule
  • Research (5 points) – Consult at least 2 academic research sources related to the topic and provide a bibliography of these sources in MLA (Modern Language Association) citation format. This list should be within the initial post.
  • Meaningful Participation (10 points) – Provide multiple meaningful conversations with others. Within your own thread, this means answering questions that are posed and/or providing clarification as needed. Within the threaded posts of at least one other person, provide a reply that fosters discussion. Maintain these conversations during the discussion time period as appropriate.
  • Writing Skills (10 points) – Demonstrate original writing and academic writing.


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