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My Research Question is: What is the future of AI and how it’s going to affect our lives?
Technological inventions have taken humanity to another level in how they live their lives. And human nature is built to be curious and innovative. However, that is not the case with AI & Machine learning because now it’s more like race. AI is simply giving the machines a certain intelligence to perform a task that requires humans intelligence. Mainly, there are 3 types of intelligence that a machine can acquire which is ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence), AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), and ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) which expert sort it as science fiction. AI & Machine learning will make a breakthrough and will be a big thing in the future. Thus, it is a very interesting subject to be interested in. Until now AI is making baby steps, however; it is doing a great job in assisting us. For example, AI& Machine learning is now used in education, Healthcare, and many other sectors.
My research is library-based; it did not involve fieldwork, nor questionnaires. This means that I put my question “What is the future of AI and how it is going to affect our lives?” into a google search. It is interesting to see that Google shows 107 million hits on that particular question. I was able to access articles and other resources through PMU Library. It gave me the information and data to form knowledge to draw into my research paper.
AI has been already applied to education in some tools that help develop skills. AI is used in the education sector especially in teaching languages. “Duolingo also leverages AI in optimizing and personalizing sessions. It has a feature that assesses mistake patterns that many language students make when practicing newly learned words” (Gupta, 2020). It also can be effective on the matter of being efficient and personalized for someone’s needs. Which can help teachers also in assessing their students and what are their needs. It is also important for the student to interact with AI since it will eventually be in every sector. Also, as we live in this pandemic, we see how artificial intelligence is aiding us especially educators in schools or universities. Some tasks are being lifted from educators like grading tests or homework, however; it is not that developed to do everything, but we are leveraging between it and our skills to close the gap that this pandemic has made.
Artificial intelligence is now making the life of doctors and hospital administrations easier than before. Now AI can do tasks that are typically done by humans in less time and less cost too. There are numerous uses of AI in the healthcare sector and it is increasing day after day. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center researchers use AI to identify bacteria quickly and accurately. This medical center uses enhanced microscopes with AI to detect bacteria and accelerate diagnoses.  “This marks the first demonstration of machine learning in the diagnostic area,” said senior author James Kirby, MD, Director of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at BIDMC and Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School (Mitchell, 2017). Also, Buoy Health uses a chatbot enhanced with AI & Machine learning to listen to a patient’s symptoms, and based on that gives a diagnosis. There are many other uses of AI in the healthcare sector like detecting cancer in it is early stages, detecting tumors in the brain, or veins that are going to cause heart strokes.
While AI & Machine learning is very helpful for us, but it has burdens. Some of these burdens are that some people are in danger of losing their jobs. ‘AI will Put 10 million Jobs at High Risk More Than Were Eliminated by the Great Recession’ (CB Insights, 2018). Until now AI is not that threatening for jobs, yet it is starting to be felt in some sectors. In the food industry, AI is starting to replace workers effectively. Eatsa is a fully self-checkout restaurant in the United States and it is gaining popularity. Also, McDonald’s restaurant chains will replace cashiers with kiosks in 2,500 locations. Also, in recent years we have seen cleaning robots that can easily replace janitors, cleaners, and housekeepers.  However, some experts say that technology will not displace more jobs than it creates by 2025.
To summarize, we all look forward to a bright and safe future. What comes with AI & Machine learning are good and bad things. But we need to make rules to restrict things from going to the wrong side and impact our lives in a bad way. From all the reading I have done AI& Machine learning is a great benefit for us, yet it comes with burdens and negativities and that is why we need rules to take benefits of it.
CB Insights. (2018, March 15). AI Will Put 10 Million Jobs At High Risk – More Than Were Eliminated By The Great Recession. Retrieved November 28, 2020, from
Gupta, J. (2020, September 21). 7 Real-Life Examples of AI in Education – Latest Digital Transformation Trends: Cloud News. Retrieved November 14, 2020, from
Mitchell, J. (2017, December 15). BIDMC researchers use artificial intelligence to identify bacteria quickly and accurately. Retrieved November 28, 2020, from

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