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Education homework help

Education homework help. DB5
Global Influences and Diversity
For this Discussion, give an example of how an event in one part of the world can cause a response elsewhere in the world:

  • Reviewing the aspects of your event, analyze the cause and effect of global influences through direct or indirect means.
  • What aspects of diversity are evident in your event?
  • How can understanding diversity benefit a society?

Professional Impact
Consider jobs that may have been created or eliminated, legal issues that have been raised, society’s demands for products or services, the decline or eventual vanishing of certain industries, etc.

  • How has your event led to an influence on employment, business, industry, or the professional world? Provide some specific examples.
  • How have people been affected by any changes to the professional world?
  • Were there particular groups who were impacted? If so, why?
  • What future connections to the business world may continue to be caused by your topic?

In preparation for the peer review, discuss the following:

  • What is the purpose of a peer review?
  • What strategies will you try to keep in mind as you review your partner’s paper?
  • How can you offer constructive feedback while keeping a positive and upbeat tone?
  • Explain how an experience when you received good feedback was beneficial to you.
  • What about an experience when you receive unhelpful feedback, what made the feedback so poor?


Education homework help


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