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No Escape – Web Quest Two Assignment

Due Date: The assignment is due Friday, December 18, 2020
Note:Work will be accepted without late penalty until Sunday, December 20, 2020by 11.59pm. Any work submitted afterSunday December 20requiresnegotiation in advance with the instructorbefore submission.



  1. Select a topic from the following list:


  • Children exposed to violence through a)living and/or working on the street or b) living as refugees;
  • Children being trafficked for purposes of illegal labour;
  • Exposure to violence at school;
  • Children’s roles in armed conflict (as soldiers, and “wives” to soldiers);
  • Indigenous children and youth in Canada living exposed to systemic violence.

(Note: You are welcome to research another course related topic that you are passionate about – and if choosing another topic you must get approval from M by Friday, December 11, 2020.)

  1. Search for resources on your topic.Check in to the GBC Learning Commons (the library)online, and ask a librarian to help you with a data base search for data base materials on your topic. You’ll probably want to use the Social Sciences data bases. You may also use google search (try “google scholar”) to look for digital resources.

You may also use reliable websites, and podcasts similar to the ones used throughout the course. Often you will find more up-to-date information in online media, however it may not be as in-depth and you definitely need to check its reliability.

  1. Write a report. Using what you have learned on your resource search, respond to all of the following points. Use numbers (as they are used here) and sub-headings for clarity:


  1. Provide a resource list of three (3) resources on your topic. They may be print (chapters from books, articles found through data base search at the college’s library) and/or articles, video or podcasts found on reliable web sites. When you choose web-based resources, remember to usethe following resource from Module 5: the Berkley Libraryto help you evaluate the site’s reliability.


  1. a) In writing your resource list, use APA, Chicago or MLA style.*

(Value: 3marks)
(Note: You may use only one(1) site that is already included in the web links of the modules of our course. Remember that you can see each module’s web links listed in the module menu. If you include more than one site from the course materials it will not be included in the grade.

  1. b) For each one of the three resources, write a one-paragraph summary describing the resource and evaluating how you think it is/isn’t useful for understanding your topic.

        (Value: 6marks)

  1. Provide a one -page summary of the topic you are researching. What are the issues involved? Which children/youth are affected? In other words, where are they geographically – what parts of the world, what socio-economic class, ethnicity, gender? Be specific. Avoid using generalizations like “all children”. Make references to the 3 resources you chose to use above.

(Value: 4 marks)

  1. How are children/youth affected by this issue? Go back to your learning on the effects of witnessing violence from Module 3. To get full marks, you need to relate what you have already learned about how children are affected by violence at home to the children and youth who are the focus of your research.  Use the same terms and language relating to the effects of exposure to violence that you learned earlier in the course.

        (Value: 3marks)
Provide at least two (2) meaningful quotes from children or youth (under 25 years old) who have been exposed to this form of violence, and provide a citationfor each quote.
        (Value: 2 marks)

  1. What is being done about this problem by local and/or international bodies? Describe what is being done by at least two (2) different organizations, and provide names of organizations that are involved. Do you think their actions empower children and youth? How or how not?

(Value: 2marks)
Total:  20 marks

Research and Citation for this assignment:

You are asked to use the GBC data bases available from the GBC Learning Commons* for some (not all) of your sources; or you may find this resource helpful:
Worldcatis the world’s largest network of library content and services. Also helpful for locating scholarly articles and resources.When they ask what library is near you, you enter “George Brown College” or, if you have a public library card, you can also add Toronto Public Library.
You can also use google scholar to search for resources on your topic.
Additionally you are encouraged to check out multi-media resources such as:

  • TED Talks;
  • CBC and BBC Radio News Podcasts (we have used some of these in the course);
  • Reliable newspaper and magazine articles.


You may use either APA style or MLA style. Style guides can be found at these links:
APA style:
MLA style:

A note on plagiarism:

Remember that you MUST cite any material you take from other writers and websites using either APA (as learned in your College English class at George Brown), or if you prefer, MLA or Chicago style. This includes all material taken from internet sources.
If you cut and paste material from on-line sources into your report and do not give the author credit this is plagiarism and will be treated as such. Refer to the George Brown College policy on plagiarism for more information.

A Note on writing style:

All 20 marks are based on content, not on style. A report format, where you respond to the questions by number is strongly encouraged for clarity and simplicity.
However, if your writing is not clear, it will make it difficult for me to understand your points, and your mark will be greatly affected. So if you struggle with report writing, be sure to get an editor to go over your work before you submit it.
*  *  *  *

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