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Education homework help

Education homework help. Please use APA style formatting and in-cite references in text.
Discussion questions (150 words each)

  1. Time is always of the essence during a school year. Discuss what strategies you will use when you discover an assessment following a unit did not produce acceptable scores from your students. How do you keep moving to stay on track, but also remediate where needed? What additional supports can or should you provide to students who are falling behind?


  1. Making real-world connections to the curriculum can help in creating meaningful and engaging units for students. Discuss two ways a teacher can integrate students’ interests into the curriculum when planning units.

Responses (100 words each)

  1. How would you use targeted tutoring and/or spiral the curriculum in order to keep students on track that did poorly on an assessment?


  1. I am a fan of motivational speaker Jon Gordon. I was watching this video that spoke to me moving forward and staying on track even through adversity. Even though this video talks about sports, if you listen carefully speaks to the message of this discussion post. The following is the link to the video: . Please share your point of view on this video as it relates to the discussion question. Please discuss why it is so important to stay positive when things go wrong and how can we teach and inspire our students to do this when may times they struggle academically, socially, and emotionally in schools even more so now during COVID19.


  1. Many successful teachers use real life and real-world connections with their students to make connections with the content they are teaching as well as striving to motivate their students and letting them know they can achieve their goals and dreams despite obstacles along the way. How do you feel about this and do you feel comfortable doing this in your classroom? If you have used this strategy, can you please share either some the successes or failures or combination of the successes and failures in implementing this strategy into your classroom?

Education homework help


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