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Economics Homework Help

On PUBG I need review in presentation and Overview on speaker notes


  1. Must include (Company Name, New England College, Course Title and Semester, Date, and Your Name)
  2. Introduction on the company (overview), what does the company do, what product or service does it offer, and where is it located (headquarters)
  3. Who are its main competitors (list all competitors)?
  4. What is the market structure (e.g. pure competition, monopoly, oligopoly, etc.)?
  5. How is it regulated?
  6. Demand Analysis
  7. Pricing Analysis
  8. What they got wrong analysis detailing a strategy mistake using the course concepts
  9. What they got right analysis detailing a strategy win using the course concepts

The Presentation must be organized in the following way:

  • Title Slide
  • Concise with sections clearly defined
  • 10-12 slide minimum (title, conclusion, reference, and question/answer)
  • At minimum 10 minutes in length
  • All slides must have speaker notes
  • No grammar, spelling, punctuation, or typing errors
  • Please review the sample PowerPoint presentation that’s attached. The sample presentation is a guide and should help with understanding expectations.


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