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Economics Homework Help

ECON 210 Embry Riddle How the Topic Aligns With Micro Economics Discussion


In this summit session, we are exploring the concept of product demand! Now, you and your colleagues have the opportunity to explore this concept in detail. Select a relevant microeconomics industry and explain how consumer demand affects the production levels of the industry you choose. Discuss determinants that affect supply and demand. Consider whether this will shift the supply and demand curve to the left or the right and why.

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

  • State the article or event you selected.
  • Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
  • Describe your findings.
  • Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.


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