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Economics Homework Help

FIN 107 NVCC Module 02 Good Bad Customer Experiences Discussion



In Chapter 8, we’ve learned about identifying strategies for effective consumer buying, implementing a process for making consumer purchases, and how to effectively resolve consumer complaints. In this discussion, you will practice how to analyze your purchasing decisions.


For this exercise, you will need to:

1. Give one example of a good consumer experience you had and one example of a bad consumer experience you had

Some suggestions for topics: obtaining a loan, buying a car, buying/renting a home, trying to return/repair an item under warranty, fixing a mistake on your credit report, hiring a contractor, etc.

2. Reflect on what you learned in each case.

3. Post a meaningful response to at least one other student’s post. The meaningful response can be advice, suggestions, encouragement, etc.

* You will not be able to see the posts of your classmates until you make your own post.


Please use the following format for you post:

Good Consumer Experience

  • Describe Your Good Consumer Expience
  • Explain the Lesson(s) You Learned

Bad Consumer Experience

  • Describe Your Bad Consumer Experience
  • Explain the Lesson(s) You Learned


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