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Economics Homework Help

Intersection Between Behavioral Economics and Economics Teaching Discussion


I need you to write 3 essays that are a single-spaced page long it is i need you to write an evaluation essay on all three of my classmate’s presentations there are no sources used for this as it is an evaluation essay in the essay i’d like it if you could talk about what you learned and got out of the presentation you can relate what you learn to the books we are reading in class (books: misbehaving and the book nudge both by Richard thaler) you don’t have to relate it to the books if you can’t find them online for free and another thing i’d like you to answer in the essay is was there any new information you learned from the classmate and what did you get out of it also did you get any information that you didn’t know before. The three classmate’s you have to write about are Emma, Iris and Amina 🙂 i have attached the transcript or it would have the same problem that it did before when attaching the csreeen recording.


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