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Civil Engineering homework help

essay   Describe the major qualities (i.e., projection family it belongs to, projection properties, projection surface based on, projection parameters, aspect, central meridian/parallel, main purpose, etc.) of two of the following projections, and then provide examples of other projections that have similar qualities. 1. Azimuthal Equidistant Projection 2. Mercator Projection 3. Sinusoidal Projection 4. Goode’s Interrupted Homolosine […]

Civil Engineering homework help

essay   Describe the major qualities (i.e., projection family it belongs to, projection properties, projection surface based on, projection parameters, aspect, central meridian/parallel, main purpose, etc.) of two of the following projections, and then provide examples of other projections that have similar qualities. 1. Azimuthal Equidistant Projection 2. Mercator Projection 3. Sinusoidal Projection 4. Goode’s Interrupted Homolosine […]

Civil Engineering homework help

CivilEngineering if i dont respond here text me +16159157404 Extra Credit Opportunity SA Fall 2020 Due by Monday 12/7/2020 by 8am WORTH 90PTS AND CAN ADD UP TO 10PTS TO YOUR OVERALL GRADE 1. This problem has two parts. Part a. is manual work and part b can be done on the computer using SAP2000. […]

Civil Engineering homework help

New York City College of Technology Department of Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology SOIL MECHANICS PROJECT CMCE 2456 – Fall 2020 A homeowner want to level a rear yard. You visit the site and realize that the work will require the construction of an about 5-ft-tall retaining wall. Your subsurface exploration indicates that the […]

Civil homework help

3-4 Paragraph Discussion Do you believe government should regulate businesses? Why or why not? Support your belief.


Your task is to write a 1-page professional letter to the Roadrunner Insurance Company that addresses the probable cause of the chimney failure as well as the approximate month and year the failure began. In your letter, you must offer a reasonable and logical explanation for the chimney failure that is: (1) consistent with the […]