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Computer Science Homework Help

Create a Template to automate a process


By automating the process, it will allow the IT team to deploy these systems on demand for the various departments. This will save time and remove chances of human error for every new deployment.

Create a Template to Automatically Deploy an Email-Receiving Pipeline

Use the instructions in the Getting Started Receiving Email with Amazon SES tutorial as a guide to help understand the process to deploy this service. You can then either use CloudFormation Designer to generate the appropriate template using the associated widget, or you can find the appropriate code on your own.

The template should perform these tasks automatically:

☑️ Set Up Prerequisites
☑️ Verify Your Domain
☑️ Set up a Receipt Rule to Create an S3 Bucket
☑️ Send a Test Message

Test your template by viewing the test message sent. After you have confirmed that it is working, clean up your environment to avoid new charges from AWS. Save your template for the final Cloud Orchestration and Automation Report before moving to the next step. There, you will deploy storage and content delivery systems.


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