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Computer Science Homework Help

Cumberlands Cyber Security Awareness Among University Students Article Review


You will write a 2 page review/abstract/summary on an article from a peer- reviewed scholarly journal. This is to assess your ability to select and summarize the research of others, analyze and apply the research of others, and communicate professionally and effectively to their regard. However, the most important rationale for this assignment is for you to see how statistical analysis is presented.Instructions:

  1. Use the library system ( or online catalog to locate a journal article that pertains to your research, thesis, or area of interest. The article you chose should have performed some statistical analysis of gathered data and made an inference using something other than just the average (mean). That is, they can’t just talk about averages; they must have used one of these tests: t-test, chi-square, F-test, Fischer test, ANOVA, MANOVA, ANCOVA, Mann-Whitney, correlation, regression.
  2. Readthearticlethoroughly.
  3. Write a 2-page summary about the article following the given guidelines.


  1. Your review should include:
    1. Thequestion/problembeingresearchedbytheauthor
    2. The experiment that will answer the question
    3. How they collected data
    4. Analysis of the data (Must identify the statistical test used)
    5. Theirconclusionorfindings


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