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Computer Science Homework Help

INFO 331 APUS Google Technologies & Advancing Publicizing Case Study


The last chapter of your textbook investigates the search and advertising functions of Google. For your final case study, you need to write a 1500 plus-word essay about Google and the future of computing, going beyond what is discussed in the textbook.

While Google is best known for their search and advertising features, they actually have a multi-billion dollar research and development department that works on technologies ranging from self-guided cars to renewable energy.

Your task is to research Google and discover at least 2 technologies Google is currently developing, other than the search, advertising, and Gmail features that we are already familiar with (in addition to the self-guided car, which everyone will write about). This means you should have three (3) technologies in your Final Paper. 

Technology 1 – Google Self-Driving Car
Technology 2 – Your choice of Google Technology
Technology 3 – Your choice of Google Technology

You need to write at least 500 words (approximately 1 – 1 1/2 pages) each about 3 different Google technologies (one of which will be the self-guided car and 2 of which are your own choice), plus an introduction and conclusion, for a total of a 1500 plus word essay.

Make sure you write in your own words, while also listing your references at the end of your essay (minimum of 6 references — 2 per technology). Your essay will automatically be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn. There must be no more than 15% similarity to sources to receive credit for this assignment.

For each technology, summarize the technology and discuss the impacts (both positive and negative) that the technology is likely to have on society. If there are any ethical issues or dilemmas related to the technology, be sure to discuss those, as well.  Specific details about what to include in each section can be found in the attached template.

Since this is an essay, make sure you write in full sentences and in complete paragraphs, and not in lists or phrases. Thank you!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Here are some links to get you started in your research into Google —

Google’s Self-Driving Cars (also called “Waymo”):

Google’s Sustainability (and Renewable Energy):

Research at Google:

Google Products:


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