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Computer Science Homework Help

University of the Cumberlands Threat Modeling Question


Threat Modeling

A new medium-sized health care facility just opened and you are hired as the CIO. The CEO is somewhat technical and has tasked you with creating a threat model. The CEO needs to decide from 3 selected models but needs your recommendation. Review this week’s readings, conduct your own research, then choose a model to recommend with proper justifications. Items to include (at a minimum) are:

  • User authentication and credentials with third-party applications
  • 3 common security risks with ratings: low, medium or high
  • Justification of your threat model (why it was chosen over the other two: compare and contrast)

You will research several threat models as it applies to the health care industry, summarize three models and choose one as a recommendation to the CEO in a summary with a model using UML Diagrams (Do not copy and paste images from the Internet). In your research paper, be sure to discuss the security risks and assign a label of low, medium or high risks and the CEO will make the determination to accept the risks or mitigate them.


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