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Economics Homework Help

Total Utility Table Discussion Questions


Answer the following questions. Please rewrite the questions and
write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Remember that economics is a
science and that we are concerned with describing what, how, and why
behaviors occur, therefore it should be detailed enough to clearly
convey the economic concepts, using the appropriate terminology. You
should apply the material from this module and chapter and not the

Suppose that as a consumer you have $34 per month
to spend on munchies—either pizzas, which cost $6 each, or Twinkies,
which cost $4 each. Suppose further that your preferences are given by the following total utility table.

  1. Copy the tables below to submit and solve for the
    missing marginal utility information in each. Remember that they must
    show diminishing marginal utility as more of each product is consumed.
  1. Graph the budget constraint with Pizzas on the horizontal axis and Twinkies on the vertical axis. What are the intercepts?


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