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Economics Homework Help

Micro Economics Kidney Organ Market Question


I have attached the rough draft and the comment that they have provided. Please revise and adding the last two part of this paper. This is the final draft for the GEA1 Case Study. This portion has two primary parts that will be added to the rough draft, described below. You should write the paper as a cohesive whole; do not include section headers. Use the links above for submission details and rubric. The file I have attached are including Rubric, TA comments and my rough draft itself.


Part I – (this draws on welfare analysis regulation (Ch 4) to improve the argument made in the Rough Draft as well as describe an unintended consequence)

Consider regulations in the US kidney market and the negative aspects of the government intervention. In addition to improving your paper based on the feedback you received, add to your previous discussion of the US kidney market using what you have learned about DWL and welfare analysis; specifically discuss efficiency concerns as a result of the intervention. You may have discussed DWL in the rough draft but you should elaborate on that discussion and really focus on what causes the DWL and in what ways is the loss generated, exactly who is impacted and how; give specific examples.

Part II – (this requires you to offer a creative alternate solution to the consequence you described above)

Now put yourself in the role of a social advocate. Noting the problems you presented above, what solutions do you have to help protect society? Offer an alternative solution that addresses the issues you noted in the rough draft and avoids the problems you noted above. Be creative, you are not limited to possible government interventions but should also consider potential interventions from other groups in society.


Note: This is the final part of the writing assignment. DO NOT include section titles/headers however you must submit a cohesive completed paper with title page, introduction, body, conclusion, a graph, and bibliography page. The paper should breakdown the market and problems within it, evaluate the current solution and it’s limitations, and propose an original contribution/potential solution – use economic terminology throughout.

The body of the text must be at least 7, no more than 8, full pages: a revision of the first 4 pages already submitted for the rough draft PLUS an additional 3 pages. The additional three pages should be used as you wish to expand on the rough draft as well as add the new parts above and integrate the two parts into a coherent whole. You do not have to keep the parts of the rough draft and the additional parts for the final draft separate – feel free to incorporate the additional material where you see fit to complete a cohesive paper. Double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. It should be in written your own words and not a series of quoted texts. You should write from your own ideas, formed through research, but not by paraphrasing or over quoting other work. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages

Make sure to include a title page and an updated bibliography page (both should be on their own pages and not share a page with the body of the text and are not included in the page count). Graphs/Charts/Figures/Bibliography should be at the very end of the text and are not included in page count. Only use in-line citations with the author and the year in parentheses at the end of the sentence; do not include citations in the footers. The full citation should be given on the bibliography page on.

Checklist after complete.

  • Meet formatting and length requirements
  • No plagiarism
  • VERY Limited quoted text (must be written in your own words)
  • A complete paper including all parts of the case study assignment
  • Use economic terminology to discuss the market as described under assignment details
  • Address the feedback from the rough draft
  • Include economic graph (see rough draft) and discuss it
  • All graphs/charts/images MUST be at the end of the paper, NOT inserted in the middle of the text
  • Include updated bibliography page
  • Upload 1 file (you cannot upload text, graphs, etc as separate files)
  • Correct file type: .doc OR .docx OR .pdf (NOT .pages or any other file type)


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