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Reading homework help

Find a example of a high profile incident in which the actions and/or decisions of one or more individuals in the public safety field left citizens questioning the ethics of the action/decision and write a case study about that incident.

  • Your study should address at least the following:
    • Who were the stakeholders potentially impacted by the actions/decisions.
    • What arguments might those involved have made that their actions were ethical
      • Be sure to consider various ethical frameworks when considering this question–for example:
        • From a utilitarian perspective he or she might have argues that…
        • From a deontological perspective he or she might argue…
        • Considering virtue ethics, he or she might argue…
    • Explain why the actions made were or were not ethical.  Be sure to explain the academic definition you’re using as a baseline for this part of the discussion
    • How different actions by public safety administrators may have shaped the outcome of the incident or the perception of the public concerning either the ethics of the decision and/or the appropriateness of the organization’s reaction to it. For example (not all inclusive), might better hiring standards or increased ethical training have impacted the situation–might more swift action to support or condemn the individual(s) had a positive impact on the public’s perception of the individual(s) or organization.

The body of the Case Study shall be 8-10 pages, excluding other material such as the cover page, abstract, table of contents, graphics and tables, and references.
The Case Study Paper shall contain:

  • Cover Page
  • Abstract
  • Body of Paper (8-to-10 pages)
  • References Page

The paper shall be formatted as follows:

  • APA 7th edition
  • 1 inch margins
  • 12 point font, either New Times Roman or Arial font style
  • Double spaced, making sure there are no “extra” spaces in between paragraphs
  • Properly formatted Section headings as appropriate

In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged. The Case Study is worth 100 points and is 20% of your final grade. See the General Assignment grading rubric for more information.


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